Dystrubutorem skanerów 3D Aicon/Breuckmann w Polsce jest Cad-Mech - projektowanie maszyn

TubeInspect P8

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Aicon BreuckmannTubeInspect P8
Aicon Breuckamnn TubeInspect P8Aicon Breuckamnn TubeInspect P8Aicon Breuckamnn TubeInspect P8Aicon Breuckamnn TubeInspect P8Aicon Breuckamnn TubeInspect P8
  • Kamery: 8 cyfrowych kamer o wysokiej rozdzielczości w technologii GigE
  • Pole pomiarowe: 1.000 mm x 580 mm x 400 mm
  • Maksymalna długość rury: 2 m
  • Średnica rurki: 1 mm - 125 mm
  • Kąt gięcia: 1° - 340°
  • Minimalny posuw pomiędzy dwoma gięciami: dopuszczalne gięcie po gięciu
  • Oprogramowanie: BendingStudio, TubeInspect
  • Pole referencyjne: Trójwymiarowa szyba referencyjna
  • Wymiary system: 1.140 mm x 746 mm x 1.140 mm
  • Waga: 240 kg
  • Dokładność (tolerancja płaszczowa): +/- 0,035 mm

The first model of the P series is called TubeInspect P8. It is equipped with 8 cameras and suitable for tubes and wires from 1 mm up to 125 mm diameter. The system measures with an accuracy of up to 0.035 mm. About 90 % of all test objects are less than 1 m long – and these are most appropriate for TubeInspect P8. However, even longer tubes and wires can be measured without problems. The measuring cell can be opened up laterally, the objects are slid through and measured in sequences. TubeInspect P8 fulfills highest requirements regarding accuracy and measurement speed. Combined with the software platform BendingStudio, the system offers various application-oriented functionalities.